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About Us

History as Sundew Farms

Boulder Oaks Farm, which is owned and operated by Melani Fletcher, began in 2009 under the name of Sundew Rabbitry. It later became Sundew Farms when the sheep and dairy goats were added and started to become the main focus. From then until the end of 2018, the rabbitry prefix was Sundew's, and the ADGA herdname was S*DEW. In October of 2018, the name was changed to Boulder Oaks Farm, and both the rabbitry prefix and ADGA herdname became Boulder Oaks. The rabbits and sheep were phased out in 2020, and the dairy goats became the sole focus of the farm.

The Dairy Goats

I got my first dairy goat at the beginning of 2013, a 2 year old Toggenburg named Peaches, who remains the herd Queen to this day. My first LaMancha was purchased in 2014, an unregistered doe who is the original foundation of the current Recorded Grade herd. Pictured here are her kids, my first 2 homebred LaManchas, S*dew Feathers and Sequins and S*dew Firecracker. They later became my first does to earn their milk stars and the first to earn their Superior Genetics status!

Songbird 2 year old milker.jpg
Purebred LaMancha Herd

The dairy goat herd really took off in 2016 when I met Shirley Benson of Shadow-Hills LaManchas. The Shadow-Hills herd is the foundation of my purebred LaManchas, and I am more grateful than words can express for Shirley's generosity and mentorship that took my herd from a backyard hobby to a competitive herd, and gave me the confidence and ambition to start actively participating in ADGA's Linear Appraisal and DHIR milk test programs, as well as become more active in the show ring.


Pictured above is Shadow-Hills Songbird as a 2 year old milker at the 2019 ADGA National Show.


Pictured to the right is Shadow-Hills Mercedes. She was the foundation of my Nigerian Dwarf herd, beginning in 2016, until I made the decision to sell out of them in 2020.

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